Crystal mooncake

September 30, 2009

Today I went to pick up homemade Ping pi (Crystal mooncake) from a friend of mine, more commonly known in this blog as Soupy. Rob came up with that name, long story for another day.

The first time I tried it was back in 2005 when we were working together. Since then, I’ve been pestering her at almost a yearly basis for ping pi, because it was yummy! 😀

Even comes in a pretty box

After many chants text messages of “ping pi ping pi ping pi ping pi”, she had no choice finally made some for me yesterday. Yes, I have no shame at all. :whistle:



Oh so pretty!

TONS of lotus paste filling


This year she introduced me to something new, agar agar mooncake, which I have never tried before. I have to say they were pretty good!


I found it kinda ironic how much I enjoyed the agar agar mooncake, since I literally got burnt from making plain agar agar last week. Gee I wonder why the agar agar is pinkish? Hmmmmm 😀

With red bean paste filling. YUM


Nom nom nom.

Thank you Siew Pin. ~muah~ 😀

P/S While I was enjoying my mooncakes and taking pictures, guess who was watching by the door?

Leo begging for some mooncakes too

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