Year ender

December 24, 2011

So Christmas is tomorrow and we’re a a week away from 2012.

To be completely honest, I can’t wait for 2011 to be over. Other than Rob being here for the first couple months of 2011, this year has been a drag. I guess you can’t always expect things to be perfect. I digress…

Anyway my absence from the “blogging world” can be best explained by any or all of the following reasons:

  1. Work takes up most of my time, even when I’m not at work I’m at home thinking what I need to do at work the next day so blogging about it is just boring.
  2. Emotions have been running high since Rob left so instead of posting sappy mushy or unhappy sad posts, I just try to sort things on my own. Besides, there are things I rather not share with the world.
  3. When I go in to my WordPress thinking I should write a post here and there, I have nothing interesting better to say other than “Work sucks”, “People at work drive me insane”, “It’s pissing cats and dogs outside”, “Got a new phone”, “Got an office” etc. You get my drift.
  4. I don’t take as many photos as I used to so my blog posts will be boring without visual aid. (Maybe a new camera would get me motivated  :P)
  5. Even if I do take pictures, I’m just so lazy to upload them on Photobucket (which I don’t know if my account is still alive because it’s been inactive for SO long) and then attach the html codes here (which I think there should be an easier way to do that now but I’m just too lazy to find out).
  6. When I do come up with some lame post, I somehow (and this has happened more than once) accidently click a button and lose my post. No, I don’t know how it happened.

Anyhooooooo, even though I’m not blogging as much I still do read some blogs once in  while. Most of my free time is spent on Facebook so close friends and family know what I’m up to these days. I also still tweet but it’s just very random things.

I’m on leave until after the new year. I get 25 vacation days a year and to show you how work has taken a lot of my time, I have 18 days left.

I celebrated the last year in my 20s last month and I intend to have a good year ahead so here’s to a fantastic 2012!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!


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