MOA: Epilogue

October 28, 2008

The night before we left MOA, we decided to try a restaurant that I have been quite curious about ever since Rob told me about it years ago. Since I didn’t try it the first time I was in the US, I thought it would be nice to buy Rob a good dinner, like a VERY early or late birthday dinner, depending on how you see it. Heh (His birthday is in January by the way).


The restaurant is called Rainforest Cafe.

What’s so special about this place is the decor. Everything is based on the rainforest. They even have fake rain and thunder while you dine, with added sound effects of animals like monkeys, lions, birds etc. They have aquariums…


They have huge parrots…


Heck, they even have an alligator swamp.


UNFORTUNATELY, Rob and I had a terrible waitress. I think her name is Jessie. Her service was disgustingly bad. It almost ranks right up there with MFM. The place was packed that night but we got a table in about 15 minutes, which was not that bad.

Before the food disaster

He’s just so adorable!

We ordered fried calamari as an appetizer. Rob went to the bathroom while I waited for our food. Fifteen minutes or so later, some guy came with the calamari. I sat and stared at the calamari because no one had given us any eating silverware (fork & knife). When Rob came back from the bathroom (about a few minutes later), we still had no silverware. The calamari looked dry and didn’t seem warm at all.


Eventually Jessie came over to check on our food, and we requested silverware and then she FINALLY brought us some. That took almost five minutes itself. I mean, how long can it take for you to go to the working station, grabbed a couple sets of silverware and bring it to the customers? I decided to let it go. I took a bit at the calamari and it was COLD and soggy. Rob disliked it too. We waved to Jessie and told her about it.

Guess what she did? She stands next to me, one hand on her hip, the other on the back of my chair, looking down at us like we did something wrong and said “So what do you want me to do about it?” Rob and I looked at each other, shocked. Then Rob said “This is cold, how do you expect us to eat this?” Her response was “Well it’s cold because it’s been sitting there so long to which I looked at her in disbelief and said “Yeah, cause we had NO SILVERWARE to eat it”. Rob then proceeded to tell her we would like a new batch of calamari.

She takes the lousy calamari and comes back in less than 5 minutes and say “Here, there just came out of the fryer”. How is that possible? One, it doesn’t take 2 minutes to fry calamari and two, even if it was “just out of the fryer” it would’ve burnt my tongue when I ate it. We presumed that what she did was throw the plate in the microwave and heated it up, which explained why the calamari was so tough to bite on.

That wasn’t the only thing that pissed us off. Rob ordered a hamburger and asked for fries as opposed to the potato chips. But it came with potato chips. We let her know of her mistake and she went off, came back with a plate of french fries that were again “fresh from the fryer”. Funny, it was just warm, not burning hot, NOT just out of the fryer.


I ordered some form of pasta which Jessie highly recommended because “it’s SO GOOD”. I was disappointed. It wasn’t that good at all. More spicy and oily than anything as you can see.


The meal costed about USD60, with tax and tip and all. Nonetheless I was really unhappy, not because it was pricey but because the service sucked and the food was just borderline “ok”. It wasn’t great food, it wasn’t tongue-twisting delicious. It was just edible, for the lack of other terms. Rainforest Cafe at MOA really isn’t as good after all. (Note: Found out Jessie “no longer works” there when the manager of that location called to apologize for the lousy service and food after Rob emailed and blasted them. We got the money refunded! HAHAHA)

The next morning, we went back to MOA for one last run. Actually, my last run. Heh

Ahhhhhhhhhhh…pure satisfaction as I left MOA but at the same time…


Sad to be leaving because I still could not get enough of MOA.


At the parking bay

Then I asked to camwhore outside MOA, so Rob drove us to the front entrance of MOA.

MOA at the palm of my hand

It was really windy outside the mall. Here’s how windy it was.


Then what followed was Rob and I trying to camwhore together. After many attempts, this was probably the best picture we could take, with the sun glaring on our eyes, and the wind blowing in our face, which explains our hair and Rob’s squinting eyes. I was wearing shades.



And we were off on our journey to Rockford. We spent a couple nights there and visited the Anderson Japanese Garden (which I probably will blog about next).

We didn’t take the scenic route on the way back because it looked as if it was going to rain. As you can see from the picture below, we were driving towards the gray clouds.


Half sunny, half cloudy

Even though we didn’t take the scenic route, there were some nice views along the way to Rockford. I know I’ve said this a gazillion times (maybe less ) but I love seeing the countryside, with the farms, fields and lushes trees. Something about them gives me this feeling of serenity. It was a plus that I got to see some sheep grazing.





As nightfall approached and my contant whining drove Rob insane we stopped at a town (which I totally forgot the name) for dinner. We ate at Perkins Restaurant! If you remembered from my previous post, I did take a picture of a Perkins Restaurant in Winona but the one we ate at was another location.

As we were seated in our booth, I noticed a man in a blue shirt and long hair. He looked up at me and smiled. I politely smiled back. We were seated a few feet from where he was standing. It looked as if he was shaping a balloon animal. Curious, I stalked continued to watch what he was doing. Then our waitress told us that it was Kids’ Nights at Perkins and that there was an entertainer in the restaurant.

He glanced up and saw me watching him, while I shyly looked away. LOL I didn’t want to seem rude from staring at him. Then I looked at him again, while he was shaping a long red balloon into a heart. I thought it was cute and told Rob to look. He turned around and this guy was just going crazy with the balloon. Within a minute, he had finished his task.

He walked over to us and presented me with the balloon. I was pleasantly surprised!

By the way, that’s Apricot salmon with mash potatoes, corn, and bread

So cute right? Rob later on commented that it was weird that the guy knew to make a PINK flower with a HEART, of which I both love.

Don’t quite remember his name

Anyway, this guy proceeded to give us a personal magic show. I didn’t mange to take a video of it because I was still in awe over the balloon thing. Heh

I remembered inspecting the rubber bands, and they were perfectly normal rubber bands. He somehow looped them together into a chain. (Rob had a rubberband too.) He also did some other magic tricks, which got Rob and myself dumbfounded! All that came outta our mouths were “What the!” or “How did you do that!?!?” or “Holy crap!” etc etc (you get the gist). Essentially we both looked like this:

Magic rubberbands

This is me satisfied after a great meal with great entertainment. The apricot salmon was DELICIOUS!!!! Don’t worry guys, I will do the food post in due time. Patience my little minions.


And of course, a must after every meal. We camwhore at least once.

Love you baby!

Nickelodeon Universe @ MOA

October 23, 2008

*This will just be more of a photo post lah. Busy with my thesis.*

As I have said a few entries ago, MOA is so big it has its own theme park. Nickelodeon Universe @ MOA is also the largest indoor theme park in the US.



It has tons of cool rides but of course, very overpriced. So what did cheapo me do? I just walked around the theme park and snapped pictures. Lol



LOVE the pink shorts Spongebob is wearing. HEH

Wishing I was a kid again so I can justify going on the pretty carousel

Dora Ferris Wheel

For as how much I love going on ferris wheels, I didn’t go on this one because I knew I would be going on the one at Navy Pier, which is like 5 times bigger! (Will blog about that soon enough, bear with me.)

This next ride looked really cool. The SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge. This roller coaster does spirals and intense loops by the looks of it. I happened to caught the rollercoaster doing some rounds around the theme park.


The 90-degree turn

Spiral loop



Then from afar I saw something very familiar. A pineapple. Not just any pineapple but the pineapple from “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”




Stupid Kid in the way

Spongebob was having pictures taken with kids. To be honest I would have loved to get a picture with Spongebob but I know, I know. I’m too “old” for that kinda stuff. So I stalked Spongbob from afar, trying to get a good shot of him. There were lots of kids queueing up to get their pictures taken so in the end, I zoomed in and got this picture.

Still more stupid kids in the way

Spongebob staring at me with those huge eyes and long lashes. (Just ignore the kids’ arms/hands/partial body and I think it’s a pretty good shot.)

Nickelodeon Universe also has a on-site store and is the largest Nickelodeon Store in the world.


You can get just about anything Nickelodeon in this store but of course, again, it’s all overpriced to high hell.

When it gets darker outside, the theme park is lit up with colourful lights. (Pictures taken the night before I took the day pictures above.)



There are tons more rides that I probably didn’t snap pictures of because we were getting ready to leave that afternoon, so time was limited. Plus I had wanted to shop a *little* bit more before leaving the shopping heaven. LOL I’m glad I did though cause I scored a couple good bargains at Nordstrom.


P/S I get the feeling this post is so boring. Er…hopefully I’ll have more time to work on the next post.

Underwater Adventures Aquarium @ MOA

October 14, 2008

*Tons of pictures ahead. I suggest you let the page load and go grab a cuppa*

When we first talked about road tripping to MOA, I was excited to visit the aquarium since the last time I visited one was when I was about 8 years old in New Zealand’s Kelly Tarltons Underwater World. I still have a photo of myself covering my eyes cause I was scared of the shark swimming above me. But after checking the price of tickets per entry, we decided it was a bit overpriced also because cheapo me didn’t want to pay lah.

But a month or so before I was scheduled to arrive, Rob bought the entrance tickets at a cheaper price through a radio station shopping show. Needless to say I was uber happy! Because I’m a lazyass, I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking for this post. =P



Koi fishes

Baby gators









The stingray smilling for the camera

Loggerhead sea turtle



By the way, a 6 year old would know the names of the creatures in the aquarium more than I do so I’ll try my best to identify what is what.

Saw fish

More shark




Oysters anyone?



Meet Rocky, the gigantic 17lbs lobster. I remember at one point Rob had to pull me away from the tank because he knew what I was thinking. SEVENTEEN LBS of lobster meat! DINNER!!!!




This next picture is probably one of my favourite pictures from the aquarium. It really captured the essense of the aquarium, which are the sharks (of course) and the lighting is perfect, at least for me. As if I am some professional photographer eh?



Look at those teeth!




Another picture I love. DORY!!! You cannot imagine how many shots I had to take of this fish before I finally got this one. Perfection! I love it! I have to say here that while I was taking pictures of this fish, Rob was laughing his ass off. Why? Because all I kept saying was “STAY! DORY STAY! STAAAAAAYYYYY…” The fish was just swimming around, ignoring me. Grrrrr.

Now contratry to popular belief, this species is not a Dory. This fish is ONLY known as Dory in the movie “Finding Nemo”. The actual name for this species of fish is “regal tang”.


Nemo the clownfish

Pretty seahorses


At the end of the aquarium was a strategically located souvenir store. I didn’t buy anything cause it was all overpriced but something caught my eye.


A toy lobster! Therefore, camwhoring is VITAL!





Just when I thought the tour of the aquarium was over, I was surprised to see that they actually have a pool for visitors to pet baby sharks and stingrays, called the Circle of Life. I was a little hessitant at first because, frankly, I love my fingers and hair. I don’t need a baby shark to bite of my fingers, nor a stingray to electrocute me, causing my hair to get curly and poofie. Rob was hessitant too but in the end we both tried it anyway because it was free and you knowlah I am a cheapo.

Petting baby shark


The stingray felt very smooth to the touch. As I stroke the back I thought I was going to feel guilty for all those times I ate BBQ sambal stingray. Instead in my head I was going “MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA I ATE MANY OF YOUR FRIENDS!” Then I realized that if I had said it out, I probably would’ve gotten a new hair do on the way out of the aquarium. Glad I didn’t say it out loud.

With Sharkey (how creative) the mascot


One last picture before leaving

The Underwater Adventures Aquarium was fun but when I think back I wouldn’t have been very happy if I had to pay for a full priced ticket which is at USD18.95 and that’s excluding tax. Thanks for scoring those tickets baby! MUAH!

Mall of America

October 7, 2008

**I’m so tired today. I went to bed close to 4am because I was working on the thesis. I figured since I was on a rampage I might as well keep going until I got dead tired. Heh I’m now paying for it.**

In Minnesota we stayed at Homestead Studio Suites and Hotels. We got an awesome deal from and got a free $50 gas gift card. For the price we paid and the distance to MOA, it was really worth it. The room came with tons of amenities but we didn’t use them much as I was busy dragging Rob around the mall, map in my hand and all.

Oooo! I just noticed Rob in the picture. Heh Hi honey! ~waves~

Pretty flowers outside. Oh how I love summer time there

Anyway we had to check in the hotel first as there was a time restriction on check-in time. We arrived at Homestead just before 7pm. We went up to check on our room and was pleasantly surprised.

With a full kitchen. I love the breakfast bar!


We didn’t unload our stuff because I HAD to shop, even for just a couple hours. Can you blame me? I had been sitting in that car for about 8 hours in total, excluding the time we were eating or taking pictures.


This flock of geese were just walking around in the middle of the road like nobody’s business. Many cars had to stop and so did we (!) for them to take their sweet time to get on the grass! So tua liap hut meh??? (For your understanding Robbie, I’m basically questioning their importance )

MOA wasn’t that hard to find from the hotel. It was just over a highway and down and there was THE mall, THE largest mall in the USA. If I didn’t know any better, I may have peed a little over the excitement when I saw the huge building.

Almost a picture of myself in the mirror


MOA is so big it has over 12,000 parking spaces. Oh let’s not forget the huge outdoor parking right in front of the mall itself.



MOA is so big it that 258 Statues of Liberty could lie inside the Mall! I’ve seen the Statue of Liberty and I can tell you it’s not small! I could even see it from the plane when I reached Newark International Airport.


MOA is so big that the total store front footage is 4.3 miles (6.88km) and the walking distance around one level (There are 4 levels) is 0.57miles (almost 1km).


MOA is so big it has 520 stores to shop in and if you remember, I once found out that if you spend 10 minutes in every store, it would take you more than 86 hours (or almost 4 days, with no sleep) to complete the MOA shopping marathon.


MOA is so big it has 3 Starbucks, 2 Auntie Anne’s Pretzels and 3 large foodcourts. It is so big Rob and I got lost, not just once, not twice, not thrice but at least 5 times during our 3 day marathon. It’s especially confusing when you walk from one end to the other and see a Starbucks at that “same” corner you saw it at the previous side.


MOA is so big, it has its own theme park, called Nickelodeon Universe. Believe me, Berjaya Times Square KL cannot compare.


It also has an aquarium, a LEGO Imagination Center, Dinosaur Walk Museum, A.C.E.S. Flight Simulation, and NASCAR Silicon Motor Speedway.




I bet most guys reading this are foaming in the mouth seeing those LEGOS, remembering the good ole days when they were building space ships and planes out of tiny plastic bricks.




MOA is SO FREAKING BIG that they have a wedding chapel. A WEDDING CHAPEL! Who the heck goes to MOA and suddenly gets the urge to get married? “Hmmm I’m tired of shopping today, let’s go get married baby!” Huh??? Are there really people out there who do that?



The wedding chapel also comes with a bridal boutique, selling just about everything one needs for his/her wedding. The dresses on display were very pretty though. Heh I have to admit I was almost *tempted* to walk in there.

Must camwhore!

Victoria Secret store. Life is Pink is Life. I like that statement 😉

The best part of shopping for shoes and clothes in Minnesota, and MOA in particular, is that there is no clothing tax!!! The first store I looked for was Old Navy. I always loved their clothes but at times they may be a little overpriced. But I suppose that’s because its a branch under Gap Inc. I did find some great deals, USD13 capri jeans and USD8 tops of which I bought 2 each. HEHEHE

By the way, the Old Navy store had 2 floors

More MOA posts coming. Come back soon!

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