Archive for 2006

Proposal rejected

October 14, 2006

Met with the professor again yesterday at Coffee Bean. lol He bought me drink because he was “so impressed and pleased with the work” I did on the proposal. However “almost half of it is irrelavant but I am very happy that you discussed Karl Marx so much”. *sigh* Irrelavant but good? What does that mean?

So I have to re-do it and my presentation will probably be in December before I go off to the States. I’m kind of sad that my proposal was, well, basically rejected seeing as I have to do it again. At the same time, I’m glad I got some positive feedback for the work I did even though it is not entirely relevant in the thesis. I don’t know. I kinda have mixed feelings about it. I’m proud with my Methodology section as it got the thumbs-up, which I totally did not expect.

I guess next week I’ll be back to my daily runs to the library again. I’m still waiting for an email from my professor. He said he’ll give me a list of books to read to help me with my Theorectical Framework chapter because I’m “weakest there”. Joy, more stuff to read. *looks at shelf* Arrrrghhh!

I’m going off to Thailand 10 days. Quite excited because I will be taking lots of pictures, especially in Pattaya where we’ll be taken to Coral Island. But I will miss my Robbie, which brings me to my next question.

Does anyone know which mobile company in Thailand offers the best price for international SMS and IDD calls, specifically to USA? I tried searching online and going through website of mobile carriers but most of them are not in English. Even if they have an English version, they don’t tell me what I wanna know, especially the call charges. I can’t even find how much it is for a starter pack.

I checked my Digi roaming charges and it would KILL me if I made a call to the US or even back home while I am in Bangkok. I just need a prepaid starter pack to make calls and send SMSes for 4 days. Does anyone know where I can get a starter pack? HELP!

Random thought

October 12, 2006

I just suddenly got this urge to write something but I am not sure what to write about exactly. It’s a weird feeling that I get some times, usually once every few months.

Listening to the radio, I let my mind wander. I’m suppose to be working on my school work but I have been distracted ever since I started.

To be honest, I think I know why I’m distracted. I have been feeling “guilty” for a while. I am guilty for not praying to God. I’m not the most religious person and I’m not a church-goer but I do believe in God. I prayed for a soulmate for the longest time and God answered that prayer. Ever since then, I have been praying almost everynight, thanking Him for answering my prayers. That was then.

I have not been praying for a couple months. Somehow I have strayed. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t believe in God. It’s just that I feel guilty. I feel guilty for not praying. I feel guilty for the snotty things I said to God in a rage of fury one night not too long ago.

I said to God: “You don’t listen to me. You don’t care. Why didn’t you help me? What’s the point of me praying to you if you don’t answer? I don’t think you exist”

After that, I stopped praying. I had the attitude of “I don’t need you”. For the past couple months, I didn’t have my “alone time” with God before falling asleep. Slowly, I wanted to start praying and apologize to God. I tried to but I couldn’t. Not because I didn’t want to but because the guilt kept me, well…feeling guilty. I tried praying again, but I stopped myself before I even start because in the back of my head I think to myself “Why would God still want to listen to me after all that I said, after all that I thought of Him?”

I can’t just go “Hey God, I’m sorry for what I said. This is what I need you to do for me etc”. You get the drift, right? At first I thought this was just a phase for me and that eventually this guilt feeling will disappear and I will once again start praying and thanking God for all the things He has given me.

It’s not that I think God won’t forgive. I’m sure He will. It’s not that I think God will hold a grudge on me. I’m sure He won’t. At the same time, I can’t just expect to be forgiven. I can’t just expect to be accepted for my flaws. I don’t have that big of an ego. This is more of a personal “crisis” of guilt in my head, if not, my heart.

So what can a girl do? Not much, I suppose. I guess the only thing that can be done is to forgive myself. It’s easier said than done though. I am my worst enemy.

Well I should get some sleep, I have plans tomorrow as well as a tea meet with my professor. Goodnight~


October 11, 2006

Today is one of those days I feel so much better after pouring my “issues” out to another person’s ear.

Today is one of those days I feel exceptionally thankful I have Rob in my life.

I love you Robbie.

Just lots of pictures

October 9, 2006

After breakfast yesterday, my parents and I went for a car ride seeing as it was quite a nice day out. Wasn’t too warm nor too hazy. It’s interesting the amount of things you can take pictures of when you’re out and about. We stopped at my uncle’s house but he wasn’t in so we let ourselves in. HEHEHE We have a set of keys. =D Sometimes I feel like I’m in a park than a home when I’m at my uncle’s place.

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Pretty flowers – bouganvellias (spelling?)

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Ermmmmm, don’t know the name of this one.

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I love this fountain/waterfall

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Koi fish swimming happily. My favourite is the white one in the middle. It’s so bright, it glows in the water.

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They come up to get their pictures taken. Who am I kidding? They’re going for the food.

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White waterlily in the pond

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A closeup. I love digital zoom 😀

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Another closeup

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Pink waterlily

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Okay, this tree caught my attention. I have never seen a tree with pink leaves before. Upon examining closer, it looks like…

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The leaves grow out pink, slowly turns to white and then green. How cool is that?!

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The entrance to the park, I mean the driveway

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Entrance to the main house. Believe me, there is more.

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Lush greens in the garden

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I suggested that these trees be decorated with lights and ornaments for Christmas. Hehehehe

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I so wanted to test drive this baby but no keys to start it up. 🙁 I guess you need a ride like this when your house is over 5 acres.

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Pond where the waterlilies were at.

To conclude, it’s good to be loaded ain’t it?

Wish I had half the money he has…

Moving on…….

Some changes on the Bangkok trip. Turns out Baiyoke Sky Hotel is full during this time of year so we won’t be staying there. *pout* I was so looking forward to stay in a TALL building and take LOTS of pics. We’re opting for the Indra Regent Hotel for Bangkok (4 star according to my mom but I have a different opinion based on the website :P) and a night’s stay at the Royal Cruise Hotel in Pattaya. OMG It looks so cool! It looks like a cruise ship from the outside and a LOT closer to the beach. 😀 I guess something good came out of it.

Anyway, I’m meeting with the professor tomorrow so I better go grade those essays and give em back to satan’s children during class tomorrow night. 😛

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Latest picture of Leo. I call him the Terrorist. He just looks innocent.


October 7, 2006

I’m sitting at home on a Saturday night, scanning the crap outta my drive because my laptop has locked up twice this afternoon and it’s got me a bit nervous considering the amount of stuff I have saved in my drive.

So, to be safe I’ve already burnt all my pictures and document files onto a few CDs. I don’t have a DVD burner. 🙁 I want one. *whines*

My celaka Sharp player is skipping tracks. It won’t play ermmm “homemade” CDs very well. *sigh* I want a CD/VCD/DVD/mp3 player. *whines*whines*

Here’s a partial chat between Rob and I:

Rob: otay, bed time for bobby
Me: errrr ? bobby?
Rob: 😀
Me: I dont want bobbu (typo cos the u is next to the y) (I call him Robbie, never Bobby)
Me: oops, I mean bobby
Me: I want robbie
Me: Hiiiiiiii bobbu
Rob: lol
Me: *blush*
Rob: shinnu! (he calls me Shinnie)
Me: *straight face yahoo smiley* with an exclamation point!
Me: that sounds like a name for a whale species
Rob: It does?
Me: uhuh or a whale’s name
Me: like shamu
Rob: (at the same time) Are you thinking of shamu?
Me: Yeah!
Me: shamu…shinnu…see it sounds alike
Me: I’m a whale *straight face*

Yes, I know we are weird. That’s okay though, cos we’re HAPPY =D

Cereal killer

October 7, 2006

Something to disgust you readers…

I woke up with a tummy rumble. I rushed to the bathroom and did #2.

I’m hungry now, so you can imagine my uhhh..ermm…experience. MWAHAHAHAHA

With that said, I’m going to eat some cereal. 😀

Pain in the neck!

October 6, 2006

Wow, what a dinner I had. I’m so full right now. I love Thai food. 😀

Oh, before I forget Happy Mooncake Festival everyone!

The haze is getting worse by the day. I’d post up pictures but it doesn’t do much justice to the sight and smell the people in Kuching have to deal with. I hear it’s quite bad in KL as well. My neck is a pain, literally. I think I need a new pillow, even worse maybe a new mattress. My neck has been sore for the last 4 days or so. It gives me headaches. 🙁 I’ve been feeling tired too. Don’t know why. Maybe it’s the pain in the neck. 😛 I fell asleep yesterday afternoon while reading a book. It’s either I’m THAT tired or that book was THAT boring. Take your pick. lol

The meeting with my professor got canceled and is rescheduled for next Tuesday. I was told that my proposal presentation will tentatively be in the first week of November. We shall see if it really goes through.

Rob bought me a winter coat today. I made him “model” it for me on webcam. LOL How I wish I screenshot it. It would be good for blackmail in the future. *evil laugh* I totally love the coat by the looks of it. It has a fur collar and hood and also a belt to tie on the waist. Thanks honey!

20 more days til my escapade!

One more month til my birthday!

Getting excited

October 3, 2006

I found out last night on certain things we will doing during the Bangkok trip. According to the itinerary in the tour package we (as in my mom, my aunt, my 2 cousins and myself) picked, we will be staying in the tallest hotel in Bangkok called Baiyoke Sky Hotel. How cool is that??? It looks absolutely stunning from the website and yes I know they edit their pictures to make it look good. BUT the tallest hotel in Bangkok has got to have good standards or it won’t be located in the heart of downtown Bangkok.

And also, there will be a trip to Pattaya and a mini cruise involved. WOOT!!! I’m so excited!!! I can imagine the amount of pictures I will be taking. *giggle* 😀

I’m pretty sure there are other activities involved. I heard about the details from my aunt. I hope to see a copy of that itinerary soon. 😀

Anyway, excitement aside, I will be meeting with my professor tomorrow. I think he’s gonna give me feedback and comments on my proposal. :S I hope all goes well with it or I will be busting my ass for the next 3 weeks or so before I escape for my vacation.

Tonight I’ll be tutoring. I’m glad the tutoring will end this month. The 17th will be my last class with them, I think. I wanna watch Grey’s Anatomy! It’s on Tuesdays 8.30 – 9.30pm. I finish tutoring at 9.30 so I never had a chance to watch it.

Okay, I better go do some school work. Ciao~~

Going on a mini vacation

September 30, 2006

I’m heading to Bangkok over the Raya holidays. I’m quite excited as I have never been to Bangkok before. It would be nice to get a mini vacation after all that has happened here in the last six months or so.

I need to de-stress.

I’ll be away from the 25th until the 28th October. I know the beaches there are simply beautiful but I am not sure if I will get a chance to hit the beach as it’s only a 4 day trip. If I do I’ll have a field day taking pictures! 😀 I hear shopping in Bangkok is a riot! hahaha Nontheless, I also need to save up for the US trip….

Oh, about the trip to the States. I got reservations in to leave December 14th and coming back on January 4th. Technically, it’ll be the 6th when I touchdown in Kuching. Anyway, I will be spending Christmas there. I know it’ll be winter when I get there and it will be cold BUT if it’s going to be COLD it’d BETTER snow or I’ll throw a fit. Yeah! Ermmm, something like that lah. It would be so much fun, not to mention FREEZING. I’m even more excited about this trip! I don’t have anything to wear though. The clothes I have surely are not sufficient enough to keep me warm when it’s like -10C or lower outside. Did you hear that Rob? *hint*nudge*hint*nudge*

Dang, I wished I had bought that pair of boots when I was in Australia earlier this year.

Oooooo, that gives me an idea. I’ll go hunt for boots in Bangkok! 😀


My blog is now Firefox friendly

September 28, 2006

I just found out last night that FireFox users see a different layout on my blog than those who browse with IE.

I got a complaint that it was hard to read and I was really trying to figure out why purple text on pinkish white background is so hard to read? Turns out something in the template didn’t go too well with Firefox. On Firefox it’s purple font on black background.

How it lookED on Firefox

This is how my blog looks like to me all this while. Purple text on pinkish white background. I don’t bother using Firefox regardless how some people tell me it’s better than IE blah blah blah. I don’t bother with these things. I’m used to IE and I have no problems with it. Hence, I’ll continue using it until it really gives me trouble. So, I apologize to Firefox users on the hard-to-read-text. It wasn’t really my fault, just something on the template that Firefox couldn’t read or something like that lah.

Anyway, I consulted my PC technician AKA Rob and he helped me figure out some html codes (which I am SUCH a beginner at). Robbie fixed it! Isn’t he wonderful? 😀 Thanks honey! Wuv you.

So now my blog is IE AND Firefox friendly. Enjoy!

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