Archive for the ‘Rants’ Category

Perempuan Impian Malaysia

April 17, 2008

What better way to make myself feel better after a week of emotional rollercoaster than to bitch and complain about something?

Almost everyone is writing about the over-hyped first Malaysian online reality show; Malaysian Dreamgirl (MDG) or in my own Malay words; Perempuan Impian Malaysia (PIM) [Copyright 2008 ok!?!].

I have been wanting to blog about PIM since the first time I watched it but as you all know I am THAT much of a procrastinator. Am I addicted to the show? No, not at all. Do I like the show? Heck no. Do I think the show is any good? Errrr, I don’t think so. Why? Allow me to enlighten you.

My ultimate erk about the show is the name itself. It’s called Malaysian Dreamgirl, loosely translated as Perempuan Impian Malaysia. Now, had I not watch the show before my first impression on the show judging by its name would be a search for Malaysia’s Dreamgirl, as in a typical Malaysian girl competing to be every guy’s dreamgirl. I expected it to be more “The Bachelorette” like to be honest. Instead it’s about a bunch of girls getting judged if they are good enough to be models.

Yes, I’m sure most guys dream of dating models etc but not all models are beautiful, sweet, charming and likeable, all at the same time. Some models are too tall for some guys, some models are too bitchy for some guys, some models are too high-maintenance for some guys etc. Get my point? The title of the show is misleading in my humble opinion. If the producers’ main objective was to do a model search, why not just call it The Ultimate Malaysian Model Search or something corny like that. Or opt for something controvesially catchy and politically incorrect like Malaysian Bimbo Search. 😛

I didn’t like PIM the first time I watched it and so didn’t bother to follow the show. Seeing that I was going to write this bitching post, I took the liberty to watch the show again to be fair and to see if there were any improvements. Sadly, again I was reminded on why I never went back to watch it after the first time.

One. The way the show is produced and edited is rather disjointed. One minute someone is talking about another person, the next part some girl won some challenge and got a free portfolio done. Ummm hello? What challenge? And why the need to show the girls punchinig and kicking air for 2 minutes at the gym. OMG I thought I was braindead after one minute.

Two. Why the heck is there so much talking and yapping, especially with the girl and the fake accent (and you all know who I am talking about if you watch the show)??? I feel the need to fast forward all the yapping part (and I have) or bang my head on the desk hearing some of these girls speak (Refer point four). I rather see the girls in photoshoots, makeup, runways etc. And where is the argument about the stupid tometo-tomato that ended up with the infamous words PUKEEMAK? Where is the part where the 3 girls that won the challenge gone to the “once in a lifetime” go-see/modelling audition? As we Chinese say, no head no tail.

Three. Do I think any of the girls are model material? There is one though. She has the height, the body, the poise, the eloquence. Do I think she’s beautiful? Errr no, not really. She looks a bit scarey because she’s got that manly look lah. The rest are ok I suppose. I mean they are pretty/cute/beautiful/sexy/slutty etc in their “own” way but not what I personally would regard as model material. In the latest episode, note how everyone was so sad and hugging my pick when she was “almost eliminated” and the garang one was left alone. What a statement from the girls! (So mean of me to seek entertainment from others’ misfortune, I know lah)

Four. This show is broadcast on the internet which means everyone on this earth with a internet connection can watch it if they wish. Then, in order to appeal to international viewers as well, shouldn’t the participants speak English well enough to be understood? If I was an angmo and had to listen to a Ah Lian speak ermmm-mmm-Engrish or a garang (fierce) Malay girl speak Inggeris-tak-seberapa or some spoilt brat speak saya-very-the-manjalah-Manglish, why would I want to watch the show after 5 minutes of these girls talking rubbish (Refer point two)?

Five. The rest of the girls are like so gung ho against the popular blogger because she will get a lot of votes. So what? Shouldn’t you already know that, going into reality shows? There is always that “unfairness” in such a competition. Get over it lah. I’m sure the popular blogger had expected this kind of “reception” after posting about the girls in her blog. So game on girls. I do however feel that this blogger is not treated right, in the sense that she has the least exposure on the show. Her appearances often get cut, even in the latest show where the contestants were live on NTV7.

Six. I find the host a bit annoying. My reason why? I don’t have any really. Just hearing her speak make my ears want to bleed. Maybe it’s her hoarse voice? Or maybe it’s the fact that she’s only the host but rate the girls like she’s one of the judges. Even so, her opinions are always the same for every girl. Is it just me or does she tend to have better comments for the non-Chinese?

Seven. The judges. I don’t know about you but I don’t find the judges that eloquent other than the ex-Miss Malaysia. I guess asking a very popular Malaysian blogger to judge the show was a good move by the organizers as it would boost PIM’s popularity. The rest of the time I just notice the host talking like she’s the judge which, again annoys me (Please refer point six).

Bitching aside, one thing I have for the girls is the respect of joining such a show. If it were me (and let’s just pretend I can be in the show ok?) I would scream yell bitch and moan about everyone to everyone. Not to mention the clawing hair pulling catfights I would initiate. Heh but that’s just me lah. I wouldn’t have the guts nor the confidence.

I am no better than any of the girls nor do I think I have what it takes to be in the show. I mean, hello??? My body is indeed my temple and all that crap but seriously, this face, preggo-like tummy and flabby arms are not meant for the public. And don’t even get me started with my ASS. Thank you.

(Note that I have not mentioned any names. You guys will have to figure it out on your own, although I think it’s pretty obvious who is who.)

In the mean time, go vote for whoever you like if you wish (cause I think it’s a waste of money) and I hope your pick will win. Actually, I really couldn’t care less who wins. But I do hope the garang one doesn’t win. 😛

Yes I know I contradict myself very often.

Drama drama drama

April 15, 2008

*Thank you to those who left your words on encouragement. I appreciate it*

I know I was probably overly dramatic in the last post, it’s not like somebody died or anything like that. I shouldn’t be too hard on myself? Yeah, I know. But I am human. I cannot help what I feel/felt. It’s hard to control emotions, especially those of sadness, anger and frustration.

Like I said, my way of escape is through writing. I do not expect any responses. I do not expect any solutions. I just wanna express myself, in my own way, in my own space. But I am thankful for the responses I got, don’t get me wrong. My absence from online chatting simply means I need time for myself. It is extremely hard to mend matters of the heart.

I don’t really know what I wanna do regarding the thesis. I spent the weekend by myself and the only time I am not alone is during dinner with the parents. I pretend nothing is bothering me. I talk like usual (at least I think so), laugh at some corny things like usual. But deep down inside there is sorrow, there is sadness. When I am alone in my room, my mind goes in circles. Different personalities in my mind argues with one another.

The quiter in me thinks of quiting this torture. The stubborness/ determination in me wants to keep going. The cynic in me wonders if I will ever finish. The dreamer in me thinks of writing a kick-ass thesis. The realist in me knows it won’t ever be kick-ass-perfect if I decide to finish it. So many me-s inside of me. I wonder which will prevail…

I will decide soon enough. In the mean time, please bear with my somber, melancholic mood.

Panic attack number…I lost count

April 6, 2008

Panic attacks are sudden, discrete periods of intense anxiety, mounting physiological arousal, fear and discomfort that are associated with a variety of somatic and cognitive symptoms. The onset of these episodes is typically abrupt, and may have no obvious triggers. Although these episodes may appear random, they are a subset of an evolutionary response commonly referred to as fight or flight that occur out of context, flooding the body with hormones (particularly epinephrine (adrenaline) that aid in defending itself from harm. Experiencing a panic attack is said to be one of the most intensely frightening, upsetting and uncomfortable experiences of a person’s life. (Wikipedia)

Sometime this week I experienced yet another panic attack. As I turn off the lights to go to bed after reviewing Chapter 1, tonnes of things go through my mind; is it acceptable? where else should I elaborate more to strengthen my argument or theoretical framework or research method? will I finish this thesis in time? is the thesis good enough for a masters degree?

Self-doubt is such a bad thing.

I have no idea why I put myself through this. Perhaps I am pushing myself beyond what I can do. Perhaps my quest of perfection needs to be toned down. I don’t know.

I really do hope that my thesis is good enough.

Polanyi oh Polanyi

March 31, 2008

I just spend the last two hours reading up on people’s summaries on Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation. SHOCKINGLY, I understood what I read. It’s shocking because I have his book. It’s written in 1944 and discusses self-regulating market as “nothing but a stark utopia” blah blah blah and that the state AKA government needs to intervene and regulate the market in order to maintain stability, economically and socio-politically. Holy shit! Did I just make sense? *Cue my last brain cell poofing into thin air*

Ok so back to my point of shocking-ness. I had trouble understanding his English. Seriously, why couldn’t he just said a free market system will not work long term because it is only theoretical and not practical, as opposed to his “nothing but a stark utopia”? Did this man forsee that I was going to do such a research therefore using this kind of English would result to his entertainment of me making a fool out of myself? Wait, the man is dead…never mind…

I know I’m ranting like a total bimbo but can you blame me after having go through sentences like these?

“The origins of the cataclysm lay in the utopian endeavour of economic liberalism to set up a self-regulating market system. Such a thesis seems to invest that system with almost mythical power; it implies no less than the balance of power, the gold standard, and the liberal state, those fundamentals of the civilisation of the nineteenth century, were, in the last resort, all shaped by one common matrix, the self regulating market.”

I rest my case.

Random thoughts

March 23, 2008

I have this urge to write suddenly. I don’t know where I am going with this but just bear with me and my thoughts.

In world that is losing hope, I am blessed. I am blessed for I have people in my life, people who make life good.

At the same time I have people in my life that make me ponder why they are in my life. I wonder why I let people like those into my life. I wonder why or how I can put with them so much. These people can be family or they can be friends. Many times they frustrate me, they piss me off, they disappoint me, they disgust me. I am sure you have people like that in your life too.

So then how do you deal with these difficult people? My personal philosophy has been to always ignore them because in the end, karma will get them. But how much can you endure before you totally “lose it” with them? My personal experience have taught me that sometimes you just need to “lose it” with them. Sometimes it is easier when you totally eliminate them from your life and suddenly the burden of pleasing them is lifted.

When it comes to people I care about I am often very “cincai” (anything goes attitude for the lack of other terms). You can have your ways, you can have your opinions. I’ve had a hard family member to deal with once. Initially I would just let this person do and say what he/she liked. I also mastered the art of “in one ear, out the other”. Don’t get me wrong, I listen when it matters but when it comes to like gossip bitching crap amongst family members I rarely want to get involve, unless that person has pissed me off immensely. Anyway to cut (pun not intended) it short, eventually this family member went too far, as far as to insult my mother in his/her quest for righteousness. It was there and then that I lost it.

I cut ties with this person. What use is a family member who hurts you like that after all you have done for them? I have not regretted my decision since.

My latest experience is with a friend I’ve known for years. This friend is essentially not a bad person in my opinion but holds on to some very funny (in my opinion) beliefs. I’m not talking religious beliefs, I’m talking about self morals and principles. Not wanting to bore you readers to death, I confronted this person and made it clear that I do not appreciate the things he/she did or said regarding me. I lost it with him/her. Not because I didn’t like his/her beliefs but because his/her actions have hurt people around him/her and he/she just doesn’t give a crap and walks around all high and mighty, at least from my observation.

And again I thought, what use is a friend who hurts you like that? None. Lose them. Life has since been a lot peaceful.

Of course it is hard to give up a friendship. I value my friendships and to a certain extent I protect my friendships deeply. But one thing to always remember; love yourself first when it comes to people who do not love you. Why bother about people who don’t care about you? Let them go, let them ruin their own lives. Don’t let them drag you down with them.

Life is a beautiful thing. I try not to waste it being resentful at other people. Instead I let them go. Sure it’s easier said than done. I have a hard time NOT being resentful towards other people but I think I can safely say that I am managing much better now, as compared to a few years ago.

If you think I am writing about you, I’m not going to say I’m sorry. I’m not here to apologize. I’m here to write my thoughts, in my own territory. 🙂

House Renovation

March 18, 2008

More than a month ago I promised I would post pictures of the new room and I haven’t gotten to it until now. So, here are the before and after pictures.












We had the wall paint customized to our liking, actually to my mom’s liking so it’s pretty much one of a kind. I think the paint color is originally called Orchid White and had a yellow-creamy look to it but my mom requested that it be more “white”. The advantages of access to a paint factory, I suppose.


Up goes the curtains..


The curtains cost over a thousand bucks but it looks really nice in the room. There are two layers, one is a snowy white see-through and the outer layer is also almost a see-through with stripes of yellow, green and blue. At first the curtains made the room look too yellowish. But after the furniture went in, it really blended well with the room.


In goes the furniture


The furniture hunt took us to so many visits to different furniture stores before my mom finally settled with what we got, of course after a LOT of contemplation and arguments. But I guess in the end it was really worth it because everything looked really good, at least in my opinion.

French doors fridge (My pick!)


Lil sofa set, able to sit about 6 people, 5 if you’ve got a big ASS.

The view from the outside…




The Chai’s family room…


A dining/living room combo.


March 14, 2008

Somehow I’ve lost the motivation to blog cause stress is “motivating” me to finish my thesis. ARGHHH!!!!

Chapter 6 is almost done. Plan on emailing it in this weekend and next week I’ll start reviewing and editing previous chapters. Each chapter review will take a week…I have this plan worked out (yeah right!). I don’t know how I am going to pull it off before May hits but somehow I HAVE to do it. Wish me luck.

I miss blogging! I have tons to say but worry I’ll spend TOO much time blogging instead of burrying my head in the thesis. Even right now I’m going on a tangent. Eeep! Better sign off now.
Sorry to keep you guys out there waiting and I mean all 5 of you. LOL

Promise to blog when Chapter 6 is done!

Have a great weekend. Cheerios~~

P/S: How come stress doesn’t make me lose weight?!?!

P/S/S: I think it’s cause I indulge in my caffeine addiction to keep awake and alert. BAH!

P/S/S/S: Yes I am HYPER right now.


March 5, 2008

It’s one of those days today that I wonder why some people are the way they are. It somehow “amazes” me that there are people out there who are THAT selfish, THAT irresponsible, THAT vain, THAT inconsiderate, THAT childish, THAT stupid…just so THAT. Get what I mean?

I’m not saying I’m perfect nor am I Miss-Goodie-Two-Shoes. Far from it actually.


So some girl bumped the back of my car this morning. I was going really slow looking for parking at work and this red Kancil was behind me for a few minutes. Suddenly I hear a thump(!) and my car inches forward. My first thought was “WTF?!?!?!?” I launched out of my car looking like some fierce wild lion (I swear I heard thunder like in the movies in my head) and checked my car. The girl in the Kancil looking quite worried and might I add, pretty intimidated, got out of her car and went “Sorry sorry….” I swear I looked scary. I continue ignoring her and checked my back bumper, lights, everything….

And nothing…not a single scratch. Seriously, there was nothing. Either that or I’m just THAT blind. I then returned to my car still fuming and went my way. I calmed down eventually and I felt bad for being so rude to the girl. Later on I saw her car parked nearby the office. I’m guessing she works in the same area. Wonder if I’ll see her again.

So now I have a question. I get bumped at the back of the car and I see no scratches. Can someone please explain the laws of physics regarding this?

I’ve been contemplating whether I should tell my dad about this because NOTHING gets by him when it comes to our cars. Most of the time he sees lines or scratches I didn’t even know exist, and it’s my car! So far he hasn’t said anything yet and I think I will keep my mouth shut to spare myself. So you readers who know my dad, keep your mouths shut or I will bitchslap you to kingdom-come.

On to more happier things…

Rob and I are planning on a trip for me to visit him around June. Hopefully it’ll happen…wait, it HAS to! I need to see my honey so I can claim my hugs and kisses, candy bars, and random pink things. Right baby? =D

It’ll be warm out and lots to do. We wanna do a roadtrip again. We had so much fun the last time we did a roadtrip there that we decided that this time it would be a longer drive. We shoved candies (more accurately the chewy Gummi Bear) and competed who could fit the most in our mouths. I don’t remember who won but I have a very distinctive memory that we ended up like a couple of hyperactive monkeys in the car. It was so much fun!

*sigh* Memories…

I miss you Robbie. I miss being close to you. I miss seeing that twinkle in your eyes when you laugh. I miss your bear-hugs. I miss holding hands with you. I miss you kissing me on the forehead.

Okay…so I just scrolled up to read what I wrote above and realize I’m totally bipolar. First I get all feisty and bitchy, then I get all mushy and lovey-dovey. =S I think I need therapy or something. Either that or I have ADD. For you non-psychos out there, ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder.

I blame this on PMS so BLAH!

Happy Valentine’s Day 2008

February 14, 2008

Leo is back home where he belongs and he seems to be doing better. I’m glad.

On the other hand, I had some bad food or something during the last 3 days or so and I am paying the price. I get stabbing pains and cramps in the abs, particularly on the left side and I’m also gassy which means I either burp a lot or it comes out the other end. Take your pick. I’ve been to the doctor’s and currently on medication for the next 5 days.

My food intake has decreased dramatically. I ate like a piece of chicken Tuesday night, and I don’t mean like a piece of KFC chicken. I mean like a small cut out piece of chicken. Food just doesn’t seem so attractive as of right now. I feel nauseous after a few bites here and there. Perhaps I’ll lose weight this way? Heh

Anyway, on to more happy things.


I had a wonderful surprise at work today. Being Valentine’s Day Rob has been sending me roses every year since 2003. It’s sorta like a tradition for us, even though we all know prices are psychotic during this time of year. However the last 2 Valentine’s have been kind of a drag for us because I end up getting unfreshed almost-dying red roses. So due to the stress we both endured last year (which I won’t go into further, perhaps some other time) during Valentine’s Day we agreed that we wouldn’t do roses this year, plus (again) prices are insane.

So knowing for sure nothing was going to happen and wasn’t hoping or expecting at all I just didn’t think much about today. My plan was to spend as much time as I can with Rob during this day. Not feeling well this morning, I finally decided that it was time to head to the doctor’s before work.

Rob told me to wait a bit, to see if I felt better later then decide whether to go to the doctor’s. It was kinda weird because he usually is the first to tell me to go to the doctor’s when I don’t feel well. I didn’t think much of it at all. Then I briefly mentioned that I may wanna skip work today if I don’t feel well enough after the doctor’s visit. He responded by pointing out how many hours I missed last week due to CNY holidays. Strange, I thought. He never really bothered much with how many hours I worked, especially when I don’t feel well. Again, I didn’t think much of it.

After the doctor’s visit I called Rob to tell him I was ok and that it was just bad food, he seemed a bit jumpy. I asked him if everything was ok and he said he wasn’t expecting my call. Apparently he was at the store looking for something pink for me for Valentine’s Day. He was sure he’ll get me something pink today. I was happy!

I get to work finally after taking 30 minutes to find a parking spot. It was just Jasmine and I as I had gotten a message from Carolyn letting me know that she was in a meeting nearby. I went about my routine stuff. Not fifteen minutes later a delivery guy comes in with a pink bouquet. I was like thinking “Oooo Jasmine’s flowers (cause it’s her birthday too today).” Then I realize there were 2 bouquets, the other one a mixed bouquet. So I thought excitedly “Ohh Carolyn is getting one too!!!”

The delivery guy then tells me it’s for a “Shin Yi” and I’m like huh????????? I look at Jasmine who was busy on the phone. Wait a minute, there’s a card….hey I know that handwriting. It was Carolyn’s! That siaw girl sent me roses for V-day?!?! That’s gotta be so expensive!!! Oh open the card!!! The card read:

Dear Shinnie,

I love you very much. Thank you for 5 wonderful years. Happy Valentine’s Day!

With love,

Your Robbie.

Wait, it said “Robbie”. Wait, he can’t…he couldn’t…he doesn’t know the office address..what is going on here???? I look at Jasmine who’s still busy on the phone, I look back at the bouquet, I look around…what the….what’s going on???

What do I do? I called Rob and first thing I said was “What did you do??????” He says “Ummm I didn’t do anything…” I go on and on about how there’s bouquet that’s for me signed by him in Carolyn’s handwriting. There was a moment of silence…and then he starts laughing!!!!

Two seconds later Carolyn jumps out from the back room and snaps a picture of me. And then it all made sense….

“YOU TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” was all that could escaped my lips. Little did I know these two people have been plotting and scheming for a few days.

The bouquet


Camwhoring starts….



I got dooped face!



Three pink teddybears

Chocolates on the hand bouquet


It was quite hard to find pink roses during Valentine’s Day so it took Carolyn quite a while to finally locate them on Rob’s behalf. (If you don’t already know, I do love pink!) I’m so touched that they both went to all this trouble for me. I have to say I almost teared up at the office.

I know I’m getting way too wordy for such a fun post but I really wanted to pen down this great day. Please excuse any grammar or spelling errors as I am getting tired. Go read Rob’s and Carolyn’s post about today. Thank you very much to both of them.

I love you so much Robbie. You are the best thing in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day *kiss*

Time to rest.

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!


%$!@!$ vet

February 12, 2008

My dog is currently hospitalized at the veterinary clinic in town. Paying about RM150 a night, I am really unhappy with the service they provide. The staff are unhelpful and rude. One of the vets is an effing bitch of a spinster who hasn’t gotten any for a while, if not never at all.

I don’t know where to begin venting on this latest “drama” in my life but as of right now I am worried about my dog. He has tick fever, yes a very common disease for dogs and easily treated. But somehow his has developed into something more serious that he needs an IV drip, his liver function figure is abnormal and therefore needs to be hospitalized.

It was very disheartening to see him so aggresive, thinking he needs to fend for his life when we try to hold him down so that the vet can give him an injection or put in the IV. It’s very disheartening to see his urine really dark brown and his gums and eyes are yellowish, a case of jaundice caused by the tick fever. It’s very disheartening that my Leo, the very naughty dog that pokes your butt with his nose so weary and quiet. It’s even more disheartening that when all we want to do is help him get better, he thinks that we wanna hurt him and he nips my hand when I tried to pet him this morning after holding him down for the IV. He was confused, thinking I would hurt him.

As if all that wasn’t enough, bitch vet made it worse for me. Seeing my dog so stressed, growling and swinging, body slamming around the wall so he could escape me holding him down for the vet made me ask this question, “Is it easier if you used a tranquilizer?” I wasn’t rude, I wasn’t trying to be Miss-Smarty-Pants. It was just my common sense kicking into place thinking that it would be better not to stress the dog out more than it already is. Makes sense right?

But somehow offended or dissatisfied that I questioned her ability, the hag maliciously replies (in a raised voice), “That will worsen your dog’s condition…it will affect his internal organs…the liver, kidneys. It will worsen his liver and kidneys. But if you want I can do it. You want to do that?!?! I will give him tranquilizer if you want???” Fcuking bitch. If I knew that would I ask??? If I knew you think my dog would be admitted??? I would’ve just treated the dog myself. EFFING BITCH!!! GRRRRRR!

Shocked and speechless by the vet’s response I did what I had to and left right away. Seeing the dog like that made me sad, being talked to like that made me furious. I felt helpless and frustrated. I shed a few tears in the car, driving to work.

Adding to that, the staff there labels Leo unfriendly. They say he is hard to deal with. They called me this morning before I had to go to work to go hold down the dog so that they can give him treatment. Excuse me? Isn’t that YOUR job? I seriously thought that if you couldn’t handle a fierce dog, you sedate it then treat it? What if I’m not available at your liberty to come in and do YOUR job? Then you just don’t treat the dog and let him die because he’s, and I quote, “unfriendly” ???

At first money wasn’t an issue but now it is. Paying RM150 a day for this kinda service pisses me off. You’re getting paid RM150 a day to tell me to come and do your job??? You’re getting RM150 a day to be rude and yell at me??? You’re getting RM150 a day to make me wait 30 minutes to do your job???

It really pisses me off to no end that this is the kind of standard upheld by the veterinary clinic while people are getting charged a fortune for it!


I went to see Leo before dinner and brought him cheese. I managed to coax him into eating it this afternoon when I visited. It took me around an hour. So this time I brought him 2 pieces and he didn’t wanna take it from me. He didn’t touch his water or food, I think mainly cause he had the white cone thing around his neck and it’s hard to eat. After several tries, I let my mom try and he straight away took food from my mom’s palm. I think my dog doesn’t like me anymore. 🙁 He’s probably pissed at me for holding him down and letting the bad people at the vet hurt him. *sigh*

But he’s eating more which is a very good thing. He slurped water like crazy. That’s a sign of improvement. His eyes aren’t as yellowish as yesterday. I’m glad but at the same time a little sad that he doesn’t take food from me. I suppose he’ll learn to trust me again when he comes back home. Not sure when that is yet.

I know I keep going in circles but this is my therapy when Rob is not around for me to talk to. He’s in lala land right now dreaming of winning the lottery.

I’ve had a headache the whole day so I’m going to call it a night now. Have to wake up early and do someone else’s job at the vet tomorrow. Thank you for “listening”. Goodnight willing readers.

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