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No ordinary love

September 24, 2007

Dear Robbie,

I dedicate this song to you.

Your “Shinnie”

No Ordinary Love
by Jennifer Love Hewitt

This could have been just another day
But instead we’re standing here
No need for words, it’s all been said
in the way you hold me near
I was alone on this journey
You came along to comfort me
Everything I want in life
is right here cos…

This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
to fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
Made everything right again
with your extraordinary love

I get so weak
when you look at me
I get lost inside your eyes
sometimes the magic is hard to believe
but you’re here before my weary eyes
you brought joy to my world
set me so free
I want you to understand
you are every breath that I breathe

This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
to fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
Made everything right again
with your extraordinary love

From the very first time that we kissed
I knew that I just couldn’t let you go at all
From this day on, remember this:
That you’re the only one that I adore
Can’t we make this last forever
This can’t be a dream
Cause it feels so good to me

This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
I was not prepared enough
to fall so deep in love
This is not your ordinary
no ordinary love
You were the first to touch my heart
Made everything right again
with your extraordinary love

P/S: Yes I know I’m way too mushy and sappy. I can’t help that I’m just a hopeless romantic 😛

Fart Face

September 22, 2007

So Rob and I were talking yesterday (as always) and then…

R: Ummm I think I gotta fart
S: Oh really?
R: Yeah…
S: *horns growing* Ok then let’s hear it, bring the headset down to your butt
R: ….are you sure?
S: Sure, why not?

*shuffling sounds*








*more shuffling sounds as he puts on his headset*

S: *still laughing*
R: *laughing* You hear it?
S: *still still laughing* Yeah
R: ……
S: So you farted on your headset now you have the headset back on your face, well head..
R: !!!!
R: …..
S: Hey honey, your headset smell good? *LOL*
R: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Cue me laughing louder and louder that I almost fell outta my bed*

R: Ya know, this reminds me of that time YOU farted in MY face

S: …….I have no idea what you’re talking about…. *pretending*

R: Oh you mean you don’t remember that time when I was sitting on the bed putting on my shoes and you came walking to me with the “Oooooooooo I’m up to something” face, turned around and FARTED at my face then ran away laughing like a hyena?

S: Nope I have no recollection-none-what-so-ever what you’re talking about

R: Sssssssssssssure you don’t *roll eyes*

Yes I did fart on him that one time. His initial reaction upon hearing a “prrrewwttt” from me was “Wait a minute did you just fa…OH GOD!!!!” as he had to leave the room. I didn’t stick around to find out how bad the smell was.

Now ladies and gentlemen, THAT’S what WE call weapons of mass destruction.

Two more to go

September 18, 2007

I woke up this morning with a pain in the neck, literally. Must’ve slept wrongly or something. BLEH

I’ve moved on to reading up for Chapter 5 now. No more breaks for me in between chapters because that really throws me off. I mean, I go crazy for two weeks or so trying to finish up a chapter and when I’m finally done and don’t have anything to do the next day I feel weird, like something is missing. Then a day or two later when I’m used to being lazy and not doing anything, I have a hard time getting back to the groove to work on the following chapter. I have no idea why I’m oh-so-complicated. *roll eyes* I annoy myself sometimes *sigh* Lol

After I wrote that post on friendship, I’ve pretty much subconsciously distanced myself from certain people and it seems that life is much more simple. I no longer place hope nor expectations on things. In other words, it means less frustration, anger, disappointment and resentment. Sometimes you just gotta realize that some things are not worth it. I like how I liberated I feel. =D

Seeing Numb3rs on tv is really tempting me to go on a DVD marathon again. I got some pirated tv shows to catch up on.

Well it’s kinda late. I should get some sleep and tomorrow; Chapter 5, here I come!

Back to SOEs

September 15, 2007

I’m almost done with Chapter 4. I think I can finish it this weekend. I’m getting kinda excited because I’m slowly getting it done. Two more chapters to go! But then that’ll only be the first draft and I predict I need to go through at least 3 drafts before final submission. That’s ok though because I would have had the meat of the whole thesis done. I would only need to do some touchups, that is IF the supervisor doesn’t straight up reject the whole thing. *cross fingers and toes (if you can :P)*

The thing that slowed me down on this chapter was the fact that I had to read back on SOEs because there is some relevance of SOEs in this chapter which talks about employment and labour mobility and markets etc. So yeah, it’s a bitch to understand.

On a totally different note, I killed a fly yesterday and I was damn proud too. The little bastard was flying in my room buzzing oh-so-happily….until I zapped it with my China-made-electric-racket-for-killing-mosquitoes. The thing was so huge that one zap wasn’t enough because it was still buzzing. I zapped it a couple more times and in my head thinking “MWAHAHAHAHAHA I AM GOING TO KILL YOU” and yes I did. The satisfaction is beyond words. Very sadistic/cruel/evil blablabla of me you say? Well, I don’t give a rat’s ass. =)

Anyyyyyyyway, Rob’s coming online in a minute so I better scurry on to Skype. Bye~


September 11, 2007


That’s my new favourite word. I don’t know why, but I just love saying it. I guess the reason for my liking of this word is due to the fact that it took me almost an hour to figure out how to pronounce it correctly, smoothly and naturally, not like I’m trying SO hard to pronounce the word. I always knew this word existed but for the life of me I just couldn’t figure out what the word was. So I asked Rob (who shockingly knows this word) and right away he knew what I was talking about. He said “Do you mean supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?” I was like “!!!!! How do you know that and say it so quick?!?!?!?!” Needless to say he was very proud of himself that he knew the song title from the Mary Poppins movie.

The key to pronouncing this word is to break it down into a few parts as such:


(Okay maybe more than just a few parts)

These word means, as quoted in Wiki:

super- “above”
cali- “beauty”
fragillistic- “delicate”
expeali- “to atone”
docious- “educable”

Combined together, these words form “Atoning for educatability through delicate beauty”.

Okay Rob’s coming online soon and we’re going to work on the chapter together so I better prepare and stuff.

By the way, today is September 11th and also the first death anniversary of my grandmother. May they rest in peace.

Not done yet

September 6, 2007


I’m still on Chapter 4. When will this madness end???

Thanks to dear Robbie, the GDP-growth-rate-calculation-drama is done. He’s a sweetie, thanks baby! 😀

Pigged out last night with a couple of friends. The chicken wings at Jalan Song is a MUST TRY!

MMMMMMMmmmmm yummy juicy chicken wings

Satay kulit

Taiwanese sausage anyone?

Ok, I gotta get back to work on the chapter. The sooner I finish the sooner I can breathe and relax, until the next chapter is due. Argh!

Will update ASAP. Don’t miss me too much.

Au revoir!

Happy Independence Day

August 31, 2007

Side note: How utterly disgusting is it when some people tell lies to make themselves look good? How low can you be to go around telling people something about yourself that just isn’t true? E.g going around telling people how great you did in school when in actual fact you’re just average or gloating about how much attention you get because you’re oh-so-attractive? Excuse me while I go BARF!


I think I’m probably the least patriotic person I know but Selamat Hari Merdeka to all Malaysians!

Sorry I have not been updating this week. As stated in my previous post I’m on a mission to finish up Chapter 4.

I was calculating China’s GDP growth rate from 1952 – 1999 last night and it took me almost an hour to get the growth percentage for like 15 years. Why? For one, my calculator is a scientific one with lots of functions that I hardly ever use now. Because of that, the keys are so small that I have to be very careful in tapping the numbers. In other words, I have to be S-L-O-W.

See? Such small buttons and screen

Two, just looking at the table of numbers make me twitch. I don’t know if you know what I mean but here’s a picture so you can have an idea…

There’re two columns of growth rate I need to calculate and that’s just one page. There’s still one more page to go. :S

Ok-lah enough complaining. Back to the books. Have a great weekend all!


August 27, 2007

I had a makeover photo shoot thing yesterday with my mom. I prefer the makeover this time because it’s more private as compared to prior times when the makeover was done on the cosmetic floor in Parkson. It’s quite uncomfortable as people walk by and stop to look at you getting your makeup done. Even worse is when they stop their tracks and watch you pose for the camera. It’s so embarrassing to pose and smile when like 8 other people are gawking at you like some exhibit in a museum.

The photographer this time was very polite and patient. The pictures came out quite nice to say the least since I’m a kayu (wood) and don’t know much on how to pose and whatnot. I got the on-the-spot printed A4 size photo right away and ordered a few more extra prints. This time’s makeover was done in one of the halls in the Crowne Plaza Hotel.

I’ll get the ordered prints in a couple of weeks so I’ll keep you guys posted. Til then these are just pictures taken with my camera.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Getting my face “made”

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Our pictures on display voluntarily in order to get a free 5R print; Stranger, mom and myself

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
The mom and myself

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
I like this picture with my mom

The makeup was quite thick but it doesn’t really show in pictures. I suppose there are certain techniques in makeup for photo shoots. Feel free the compare the obvious difference of my face with my normal look. Hahaha If you can’t figure out the difference, I suggest you take a closer look at my eyebrows. LOL

Anyway, I wanna finish up Chapter 4 this week if possible, so not much updates until I’m done.


August 24, 2007

Friendship can be a complicated thing when the other party consistently takes advantage of you. It’s especially disappointing when they take you for granted over and over again. I’ve had my experiences with people that take me for granted (Note: I did not use the word “friend” to address them). During uni years, there are those who pretend to be your “friend” in order to get a free-ride in assignments and even worse, exams.

They say friendships are invaluable. I agree, to an extent. Is it logical to spend your monthly savings on a “friend” because the saying says friendships are “invaluable”? Some say friends do not give up on each other. Is it logical to keep holding on to a friendship that tires you out mentally or worse, spiritually? If someone treats you like crap ALL THE TIME, will you continue to shower kisses on their feet? If you say “yes” well good on you for being so “nice” and “forgiving”. But if seen on a different light, the so called nice-ness and forgiveness is actually “stupidity”, no?

Everyone has a different idea of what makes a true friend but there are common denominators . For me personally, being a true friend consists of:

1) Trust

  • Trust is the most important thing in any relationship. A friend is someone you can trust. Trust takes time to develop in ANY relationship. Once a lie is told, trust will not be 100% there anymore.

2) Honesty

  • Honesty is the best policy. There are times when being too honest hurts people’s feelings. I know because I’m sure I have hurt some people’s feelings by being too straightforward. I’ve had some complaints made behind my back, I know. I’m the kind of person who says what it is the way it is. I rarely sugar-coat things. I’ve also had some “friends” that lied to me and most of the time I just forgive and forget but once you do it again and again, that’s it. I don’t need people lying to me. I’m not talking about the innocent white lies of protecting your friends’ feelings. I’m talking about conniving two-face two-timing assholes that lie to make themselves look good.

3) Appreciation

  • Appreciate your friends. Do NOT take them for granted. Don’t just assume or expect that they’ll do everything and anything for you. Just because one agrees to pay for your drink or meal once doesn’t mean that he/she will pay for it everytime. Just because one shrugs off a mistake you made doesn’t mean that he/she will shrug it off again and again and again. Just because one does not say anything doesn’t mean it’s ok to be late every single time.

4) Love

  • Above all, love your friends. If you love your friends, a lot of the stuff above will work itself out automatically. It won’t require much effort on your part because when you love your friends, you just want to do the best you can for them. I know in our society we don’t go out and proclaim our love to our friends and family but when you think about it, it’s really not the words that matter the most. It’s our actions. What we do to and for our friends will show them if you really do care and love them. “Actions speak louder than words”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that expressing your love for family and friends is less important.

So I made that list, it doesn’t mean I am a perfect friend nor person. I try my best to become the friend that I want in my life. “Treat people the way you like to be treated” pretty much says it all for me. I know I am doing something right with my friends because I have probably the longest friend I’ll ever have in my life and a new found friend who is a lot of fun to be with and maybe a handful of other good friends who appreciate me, who love me. That’s enough for me. Who says meeting new people is exciting? Hanging out with old friends is equally as exciting. I don’t need a zillion friends to show how “successful” I am socially. What’s the use of having a lot friends if these “friends” turn their backs on you in time of need?

I would be lying if I said this post was not about anyone and written as a general post. It is about some people, some people who really do not appreciate their friends, who constantly “shit” on them, who take friends for granted. If you think it’s about you, instead of sending some me hate mails or comments or lashing or bitching about me behind my back, complaining that I don’t understand or am being too straightforward, take a minute of silence, just ONE minute, and THINK. How good of a friend are YOU? If you think you’re a perfect friend, let me tell you something: No one is perfect in ANYTHING. The only thing your friends ask from you is sincerity, the same treatment you give to others that, frankly, do not deserve it at all nor appreciate.

Okay enough rambling.

P/S: I feel so much better now. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Of snot and pimple

August 22, 2007

Yesterday I woke up dizzy and nauseous. I suspected it was something I ate but then again it could be stress. So I ended up not going to work and went back to bed for another couples hours.

Today I woke up and I got this message…

Rob: My nose is being bad, stuffed up. Sinuses sore. Bleh.

My reply…

Shin: Uh oh, Robbie is sick

And then we started messaging back and forth…

R: I’m not a sickie, bleh…. *sniffle sniffle*
S: Awwwww my poor Robbie is sickie. Tsk tsk tsk, off to bed you sick man!
R: Yes dear…. *shuffles feet*

Too adorable right? Well at least for me…so I decided to give him a call.

R: Hewwo
S: Hiiiiii sickie!
R: I am not sickie! *sniffles*sniffles*
S: Sure you’re not…it’s normal for you to have yellow blobs oozing outta your nostrils

*Silly talk that I can’t remember, probably us arguing about him being sick*

S: I think you should get some early sleep tonight
R: I’ll think about it
S: No, you gotta go to bed early. Come online earlier so you can go to bed earlier.
R: Nah I’m fine
S: Damn, my ploy to get you online earlier didn’t work!
R: !!!
R: Oh so never mind my health, you just wanted me to come on earlier.
S: I have to blog about this

*More silly talk that I can’t remember*

R: I have a pimple on my nose
S: Yeah, I can see it…
R: …..
S: You know that picture we took at the studio with you wearing the black shirt?
R: …yeah….
S: Yeah I picture a large red pimple on your nose in that picture
R: !!!
R: I swear I hear your horns growing
S: I gotta go, I gotta blog about this before I forget
R: Great you’re gonna blog about what’s IN my nose and what’s ON my nose.
S: Oooooooooo GOOD IDEA!
S: I love you honey, bye!

So there you have it, how I started my morning today.


I better get back to Chapter 4. Have a great rest of the week peeps!

P/S: This is not the long post I was talking about. Sorry, I’m still working on it. I promise it’ll be up this week!

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